change or not change…

I saw a friend status in facebook the other day “change or not change” , and somehow this is what I have in mind recently. I used to love changes when I was younger. Like I said my family moved every 5 years to other city, and although I felt sad to leave my old house and  friends, but the thought of meeting new people, going to new school, live in a different house interest me more.

As I got older, the idea of changing subside, I even develop a resistance to change. Once my husband bring up a conversation about moving to other place for the mission, which I used to look forward, but that time the idea was not only didn’t excite me but also made me stress. I guess I started to settle, like the house we live in, I like the neighbourhood, I feel good with the school my kids go to, I like my routine everyday. I felt changes will just ruin my life.

But when I think about it, even if I refused to change physically, I still have to change in many ways. Just this morning my husband talk to me about healthy living and healthy food, I don’t really want to change but like it or not, my body is getting older and I need to change my eating habit. I also think about changing in carrier because lately we have hard time with my son who has some problem with his character, I realize that I need to have more time with him. Still in consideration, but the need is getting obvious now.

I remember the story of Abraham and Sara who were called by God to move out from their comfortable life in the old age. They didn’t have kids but they have a big household with thousand of lifestocks, and they didn’t know exactly where God is going to lead them, but they trust and go. They faced so many challenges on the way, and the promised of God didn’t happen right away, it’s really easy for them to lose hope and turned back. But they keep on trust and keep on going until one day they finally found it.

It’s funny because sometimes what we have in mind is totally different from God’s plan. When we want to change God say No, but when we want to stay the same, God told us to change. My attitude need to imitate these two old folks. I need to learn how to trust God in every situation, whether is a big change or a small change, it doesn’t matter where he’s going to take me, I believe He will take care of me, my family and our needs, just like what He did to Abraham.