thank God it’s my birthday

I was in the hurry to the F2 floor, for I have an appointment with Vero 

She BBM me 2 days ago and asked if we can get together before Church.

She said It’s nothing major, she just want to chat with me about something.

I tempted to think, maybe the Pamulang Girls want to give me a surprise party

But I thought, they are too busy because of the volunteer at Sunday School.

As I step out the Lift, the Happy Birthday Song sang by a group of people

It took me couple second to register, it was sang by the south sisters.

I was so overjoy when they approached me with a little cake and big sunflower.

From some experience, I have told myself that I don’t want a big birthday cake

I felt it just wasting money and not healthy for my age. I like flower better….

They finished the song, asked my wishes, honestly I haven’t really think about it

But I came out with 3 thing: patience, healthy life and become an impact.

Then so many hugs come around… I feel so happy and can’t stop smile…..

The rest of the day filled with friends and family birthday wishes 

.Thank you God for a beautiful day, You make me feel so loved,

and thank to all of the people who make today feel so special for me…..

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Happy 75th Birthday Mom

These are pictures from my mother surprise birthday party
She has no idea, because we didn’t even tell my dad about it.
It’s me, my sisters and our family, also some cousins
We show up at her house 7 in the morning singing “happy birthday”
she hasn’t even take shower, but she look nice in red blouse
My brother David couldn’t join us but he order a cake for mom
My brother Pierre in Kenya join us though Face Time
The kids singing and do some talent show for their oma
But Oma also got talent, she sang her own song from Bible verse.
While the kids keep her busy, we prepared breakfast for her.
Spagetti, garlic bread, BBQ chicken are among the menu
12 flower we bought for her, 7 reds and 5 light oranges
and some people shared what they feel and think about her
This is for you mom, can’t give you enough for what you have done
Wish you are happy on your 75 Birthday
we love you

a sweet surprise…

my daughter jasmine told me couple weeks ago…”mom, it turn out I like to read”. Me as mom love to hear that, because I like reading and I’ve been trying to pass it to my kids. When they were small I always try my best to read for them before bed times. Even now when I have the time, but instead of story books, I try to read some entry from the children encyclopedia I bought couple years ago, topics that they like of course. Now that she’s in grade 4, Jasmine can read on her own, she always make the time to read before sleep. I knew this from the books I found on her bed, while kiss her good night. When I brought home some books from work, and she was so happy and enjoy them.

Yesterday she asked me if she can borrow my mobile phone. I asked who do you want to call?, she said “I want to call Papa, because I want to plan something with him”. I told her just send a sms because I have no pulsa for calling. She agree but asked me not to check her sms, because it’s a secret. I promised. When Jasmine was asleep, my husband called me and asked if I have read this book or that book. He’s in a bookstore. I asked why bother? He told me that my lovely daughter asked him to buy me a good english novel. Isn’t that sweet?

Well, I told my husband not to rush, take time to search for a good book, maybe a book about a mom and daughter or about a girl adventure. I guess jasmine wants me to always have stock of stories to tell her. Usually when we took the kids to school, on our way I will tell them a story from the book I recently read. But anyway I really appreciate her effort to give me a surprise, even though my husband sort of reveale it. Now I am planning to give a surprise back to her.

Note after the sweet surpriseThe next day I received a gift, wrap nicely with blue ribbon. I wonder when she did it? and what book she (and my husband) got for me. I open the wrapping paper carefully and Voila…it’s Wuthering Height! Well I like the story…but that’s my own book. It turn out that Jasmine was given a task from one of her class to appreciate mother and to give her something. She told my husband to get a book for me. So after my husband couldn’t get a book from the bookstore, as he came home Jasmine insist that it need to be given that day, so my husband took the “Wuthering Height” from a drawer (I bet he was hoping I don’t remember that book or he might think that’s not my book), then help Jasmine to wrap it. I thank my daughter but I protest… and asked her to tell her father to get me something else instead.